Saturday, April 23, 2011

Video Games Good Or Bad?

Many ppl plays video games a lot,
90% are children n teenagers,
10% are adults..
Many kids are playin it 24.7, aka (24hours.7weeks)
And their parents force them 2 stop playin,
BTW, still 50% of children are 24.7 playin it...

So is video games are good or bad,
The good is tat gives you filled up your free time and gives you more imaginations,
BTW the bads are makes ur eyes pop out, makes u more wild
If you play games liked GTA, and act liked tat games using guns and F*ck people up....
You would be popular on the newspaper and dead by now XD,
For me its good for me 90%,
BTW, for my parents no good. :D
I ply GTA but not liked too overplay it....
Playin video games makes the time goes so fast,
And you didn't even know it,
Its juz liked you are on a time machine!!!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

You And The Computer

90% of people has computers,
80% used computer for internet,
And 50% of people used for games.
Everything is all about computers,
Liked now you are using a computer,
Looking at my blog,
Wherever you want,
In your house, Starbucks, office, beach, everywhere....

If theres no Bill Gates or Steve Jobs and other people that create computers,
There will be no to my blog,computers,games,Facebook N other tat contain with Computer.
Some computers users use it can be good and bad,
The good things are can do your stuff easily, make friends on social network sites etc,
The bad things are create virus, hacking, see p**ns videos and other sh*t liked that.
But some people used it too far,
Liked using it 24hrs a day,
Drinking Starbucks everyday to prevent for sleeping,
Still if they die in using it everyday,
They may still playing it in heaven,
Those kind of of person is epic fail.
Use the computer in the normal way,
liked dun overused it for your whole life.
No computer = No creations + No imagination